Seven am, Sunday morning. It's a rush to get done. Now why on earth would one be rushing at seven on a Sunday morning you may ask. Well it's pretty simple really. We go to church. As result of a bit of a "morning after the night before" things are are just a little off center. Anyway, I'm kinda half dressed with a few finishing touches still to be affected when I wonder outside into the beautiful Sunday sunshine with my coffee fix in hand. And there is "Slug" making his way across the garden path.
My first thought. "My camera. I need to get my camera. I need to move fast or I will miss this moment". I almost drop my loaded coffee cup. I rush inside, zip out the camera, check the settings and "rush" outside like a man gone crazy. But....."Slug" has only moved an inch. He is really in no hurry to go anywhere. He is just lazilly moving at his own SLOOOOOWWW pace across the paving without a care in the world. And here I am, firing off seven frames per second thinking I am going to miss a moment.
I must be honest. I felt a bit daft after all that "rushing". I came inside, drank my coffee, put my tie on, did all the finishing touches, went back outside camera in hand and "Slug" was just a little further than he was when I left him five minutes before. Eventually, after what seemed an eternity, I found "Slug" had made his way up the step. Again he paused long enough for me to "capture the moment" as reached his everest.
Obviously, this got me thinking. We have this thing about chasing after stuff. Sometimes it's the most meaningless stuff that occupy our time and energy to such an extent, we lose complete focus of where we need to be. Like me, rushing to get things done because I need to get somewhere. And then along comes "Slug".
I have never really stopped to look at the beauty of the pattern on a snail shell. I have often picked them up and tossed them out of the garden. They are afterall a pain in the "you know what". Yet I have never really looked at the beauty of a snail, untill seven on that Sunday morning. We need to, at times, just........stop........look around and see whats around us. Sometimes there is really no reason to rush. Slow and steady will also get us there, whereever there is.
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